Learning with Nincha

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The Denso Project

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque sed felis. Aliquam sit amet felis. Mauris semper, velit semper laoreet dictum, quam diam dictum urna, nec placerat elit nisl in quam. Etiam augue pede, molestie eget, rhoncus at, convallis ut, eros. Aliquam pharetra. Nulla in tellus eget odio sagittis blandit. ...


Here's an mp3 file that was uploaded as an attachment: Juan Manuel Fangio by Yue And here's a link to an external mp3 file: Acclimate by General Fuzz Both are CC licensed. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque sed felis. Aliquam sit amet felis. Mauris semper, velit semper laoreet dictum, ...

Bensha of the Sun

Some block quote tests: Here's a one line quote. This part isn't quoted. Here's a much longer quote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In dapibus. In pretium pede. Donec molestie facilisis ante. Ut a turpis ut ipsum pellentesque tincidunt. Morbi blandit sapien in mauris. Nulla lectus lorem, varius aliquet, ...

Game Music Production

I'm just a lowly contributor. My posts must be approved by the editor.Mauris semper, velit semper laoreet dictum, quam diam dictum urna, nec placerat elit nisl in quam. Etiam augue pede, molestie eget, rhoncus at, convallis ut, eros. Aliquam pharetra. Nulla in tellus eget odio sagittis blandit. Maecenas at ...

Posted by Miguel Angel (Palifael) - -

Alba Gonzalez Campaña es una de las alumnas y colaboradoras de Studio Fael, Es Diseñadora gráfica y tiene grandes ambiciones artísticas, ahorita esta aprendiendo animación en cutout, animación paperless y arte secuencial. Nos regala este dibujo para día de muertos.

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Posted by Miguel Angel (Palifael) - -

In the past, Roberto C. Barron, Studiofael's Executive Producer mentioned that during a trip to alaska, he had befriended a couple of Musicians that traveled in an Oil Powered Van. They designed this van and toured the U.S. with it.

Both of the musicians earn a lot of recognition you can listen to them @:




Studiofael has been working on its first Beatemup, using sprites that were created by our own team using, paperless animation. We've been giving much thought on how people will be able to replay our demo Time and Time again, and we remembered that there already are games where you can choose the soundtrack, a bunch of ideas fromed from this brainstorm and Roberto decided to ask Matt Mose, Vocal and Keytar/Vocoder of Mose Giganticus, to give us a hand with a couple of his B-Sides. Roberto tells me he's really into the project and we have a LIKE from his facebook. So i took the Liberty of sharing one of the songs I think we will use in our demo. We still need to finish the actual thing and work out several things, but here you go! Let us know what you think on Twitter @studiofael.

Encuentra más artistas como Mose Giganticus en MySpace Music}

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Posted by Miguel Angel (Palifael) - -

Production I.G. es una empresa de producción y estudio de animación en Japón, fundada en 1987. Más que nada se han centrado en la producción de Original Video Animation (OVA), Producciones Cinematográficas y Escenas de corte en Videojuegos. Entre las franquicias mas grandes que han manejado Patlabor, Ghost in the Shell (las 2). Han trabajado con Clamp y Cartoon Network.

La visión de Production I.G. es crear anime que se encuentre de pié sobre su propio suelo, sin necesidad de estar relacionados con el manga original. Notorio en su colaboración con Kill Bill Parte 1:

En esta escena podemos notar el paso rápido y un estilo super expresivo de dibujo, que permite apreciar con grandeza el flujo y el impulso de los ataques. Dead Leaves comparte esa misma energía, pero cambia el dibujo con línea expresiva por trazos limpios, con deformaciones exageradas y altos contrastes de sombras. El paso de esta película es tan rápido que te toca ver que la protagonista se embarace y tenga un hijo en alrededor de 15 minutos.

Les posteo los primeros 20 minutos de la versión en inglés para que se den una idea:

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Posted by Miguel Angel (Palifael) - -

La animación en Korea ha estado viva desde hace años. Podría decirse que ellos fueron la maquila de los animés fuera de Japón un muy buen rato. Es sabido que en el pasado ellos hacían Flipbooks, así que la animación la agarraron bién. Family Guy, Los Simpsons, Justice League Unlimited, son nombres grandes de la animación que se produce en Japón.

Cuando trabajé en México conocí un artista secuencial que influyo mucho en mi estilo de dibujo y en mis busquedas de referencia. El CESS (http://cessarin.deviantart.com/)

Es este vato que esta aqui:

Trabajamos juntos en un videoclip de Pablo Dávila y Alfonso Tamés, y durante esas pláticas en las que medio dibujas y medio platicas, me cuenta de un festival de cine koreano en el que vio varias animaciones "chidas". Les pongo los trailers de las animaciones Koreanas que me recomendo y unas cuantas que vi yo por mi parte.
Mc Dull- Para Niños

Aachi & Ssipak: Universo Tripeado

Wonderful Days: Fregonsisima animación del 2003, historia un poco x.

Yobi the Five Tailed Fox: No la he visto pero salió en el Wikipedia. Creo que es colaboración Thai y Koreana.

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Posted by Miguel Angel (Palifael) - -

No me había topado con esta película antes, y resulta que es uno de las películas animadas más importantes de Japón. Antes de que Miyazaki fundara Studio Ghibli o dirigiera Lupin III el Castillo de Cagliostro, trabajó como Inbetweener, para Toei Doga Studio, líderes haciendo películas y shows de televisión en Japón.

Formaron un equipo de talentosísimos animadores: Yasuri Mori, Yasuo Otsuka, Yoichi Kotabe y un joven y Atrabancado Hayao Miyazaki. El líder del grupo era un director muy talentoso llamaado Isao Takahata.

Horus fué su primer dirección, planeo una historia muy grande que destruiría para siempre el molde esclavizante establecido por Walt Disney, reinventando a la animacion como una forma de cine serio. Eso permitió a una generación completa expresar sus inquietudes políticas.

Horus se produjo en 3 años, Takahata luchaba constantemente contra los executivos de Toei, que querían algo tipo Disney. Perdió muchas de esas batallas, convirtieron el escenario del Japón a una zona Escandinava, se cortaron 30 minutos de la pelicula original de 2 horas y 2 escenas claves nunca se animaron por su extrema escala y complejidad.

El chiste es que al pobre de Takahata lo denigraron de puesto y se le prohibió volver a dirigir. Se estrenó la película en 1968, y agarro el interés muchos estudiantes. Este grupo de colosos de la animación se las vió negras con las productoras gracias a este proyecto.

Isao Takahata y Hayao Miyazaki fundaron Studio Ghibli que eventualmente ganó el reconocimiento a Miyazaki como el mejor animador vivo hoy en día.

Pueden descargar la película AQUÍ

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Posted by Miguel Angel (Palifael) - -

In StudioFael, we have been working on building enough manpower to create short animated films and independent videogames and applications. Our jobs and our team's dayjobs are what we support ourselves with. We use our own appartment and our own services as resources. We ENDURE and remain STEADFAST towards our objective. We've had failed attempts at producing some projects... but nothing compared to the knowledge we gained from the experience.

Roberto Claudio Barron and myself, "Palifael" Espinosa, founded this company by teaching illustrators how to animate traditionally, 100% FREE OF CHARGE, if they wanted to learn it, all they had to do was ask. Many didn't know the basics of digital illustration, most didn't know the concept of Sequential Art, or Language of Cinema. There was too much we wanted to do in a short time, and the correct training of all these new people as overwhelming. However, there was an interesting situation in the students... NO ONE WAS EVER LATE, NO ONE FLUNKED CLASS, THEY WERE WILLING TO DO ANYTHING YOU ASKED THEM. How could we not notice the MANPOWER? What could we do to HARNESS this intense possibility of an actual productive FORCE?

We decided to intensify our rythm of study by assigning more hours of class during the week. Our purpose? to test our student's endurance while trying to identify at least 1 student ready to learn the 12 principles of animation and becoming an inbetweener and my right hand as creative director (with time as an issue one must delegate some work). Surprisingly, there were at least 5 students of 11 that proved to be very VERY talented. 1 of these still remains with us, and we have 2 girls that with some practice could reach this level in around 3 months of supervised classes.

Another of our students, Sergio Carrasco, was actually a game designer and asked for our support in programming a videogame calle "MIMO" about a Mime's journey to a Lysergic and Odd universe. We all paused this project because we lacked the experience or knowledge to actually create the thing. Sergio founded Pixcomp (http://www.pixcomp.com/) with the help of a local university before meeting with us, and eventually associated with the TECNOLÓGICO DE CULIACÁN University. He intends to empower his team by hard discipline, much by influence when working with us. We will train his artist, so they can give a much better quality of art in their game. We also became their associates.

Most of our students worked at a place called Culiacan Learning and Solution Center (CLSC). This company was soon to file for bankrupcy, leaving at least 30 possible programmers and Illustrators with animation aspirations to be unemployed. Among them we were tremendously lucky to find our newest, but not less powerful element, Francisco Chavez. He has given us new possibilities as a productive force and allowed us to venture in creating our own first independent videogame.

We paused all classes and non profit projects, invited our selected students and started boucing up ideas using Google Wave. This improved our communication and allowed us to come up with a fun concept, an independent game called CHOLOCOMMANDER, that celebrated our cultures stereotypical personalities, trying to present it to the world as a new proposal of a Low Brow Fantasy Universe related to mexican culture the was anime portrays japanese culture.

This is where we will learn how things are done. Each one of us works 1 hour a day, 5 days a week, trying to maintain a steady productive rythm. Results are beggining to become noticed. Expect some updates via this blog.

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